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Florida's Largest Rentable Private Island
Florida's Largest Private Island For Rent (62 Gated Acres - Easily Accessible By Car)
the ever after estate
Hallway looks like a City of Hollywood Dreams at The Ever After Estate

YES! This Is A Hallway In The House!!!
It's City Hall!
aka our "Boulevard of Hollywood Dreams"

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At The Ever After Estate, even the elegant halls are more than just luxurious eye candy. Our "Boulevard of Hollywood Dreams" is an 'easter egg' lover's treat. Movie fans are challenged to see how many references they can find to Hollywood Hits as they stroll through the lights and props.There's even an interactive screen on the wall playing dozens of classic board games! Keep a game of Scrabble going throughout your stay!

city themed room at luxury airbnb style vacation rental near Orlando, Florida

Sure, the estate's many bedrooms, living rooms, and bathrooms are exceptional but the owners of this 62 acre private island have even outdone themselves with the luxurious design of hallways like this one.
See those cinema doors in the photo? They lead to ONE of the master suites; to a bedroom that links right up to the 2nd story entrance to the waterslide that'll drop you into the Jurassic Lagoon Pool!

amazing homes in Florida

Check Out These Other Amazing Rooms At The Ever After Estate...

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QUESTIONS? Speak to an agent by phoning: 1-407-900-3798